
How to install curl wamp for windows 8.1
How to install curl wamp for windows 8.1

how to install curl wamp for windows 8.1

Type git clone -b MOODLE_26_STABLE git:///moodle.git (If you want a different version, see the #Troubleshooting and FAQ below.)ģ. Instead, we will download Moodle straight into the Type cd C:\wamp\www (or whatever the path is to your wampserver directory and where you want to put Moodle)Ģ. You can download Moodle into there if you wish, but you will then have to copy the Moodle folder into your wampserver directory. The file path shown in your black box ("Windows power shell") is where Git has made your personal repository. Once it is installed, you will have two cat-like creature icons on your desktop, taskbar or start menu (depending on what you selected).Let Windows do its work save it and run it.You don't need to make an account but if you do, it will help you later if you wish to use Git at a more advanced level.Go to Github for Windows and click the download button (currently in green, top right).If you wish, create a new folder called "moodledata" in the wampserver folder, as in the screenshot - but if not, Moodle will create it for you and suggest its name.Find your wampserver on your computer - for instance, in C:\wamp.We need to create a new folder for this before downloading Moodle. This is traditionally called the "moodledata" folder. Tip: You can also reach this screen by typing into your browser: 1.Make sure that Server connection collation says "utf8_general_ci" (1 in Screenshot B below)Ģ.Click "databases" - (2 in Screenshot B below)Īlong with the folder containing all the Moodle files, we need another folder to hold all the user data once Moodle is up and running. Once wampserver is installed you will see a W icon, either on your desktop, start menu or taskbar (according to what you selected when installing.) Click it to bring up its options and then click PhpMyadmin as in Screenshot A below. When it is done, come back to Wampserver and click the Download button again.ĭownload, save and run the program, making sure you keep a note of where it has installed it on your computer. You may get a warning You must install Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package x86 or 圆4 - download the appropriate package for you. You will probably need to click the button Wampserver (64 bits &PHP 5.3) 2.2E but to be sure, here is how to check if your pc is 64 bit or 32 bit)ģ. Go to Wampserver and click the Download buttonĢ.

How to install curl wamp for windows 8.1